Central High School Commencement Ceremony
Sunday, May 25, 2025, 5 pm in the Summit Arena at The Monument
Seniors should be seated in Barnett Fieldhouse by 4:30pm in Caps & Gowns.
Ceremony will be LiveStreamed by News Center 1 on both their App & TV!

Graduation Attire:
Caps and gowns are required for Commencement.
Wear your caps with the short peak on the forehead. Tassels are worn on your right and can be moved to the left after receiving your diploma. Graduation is an important event! Students should dress appropriately for the occasion; business casual or casual dressy. Decorations and writing on caps is not permitted. Indigenous cultural décor, including eagle feathers, eagle plumes and cultural beading are allowed. The only cords that may be worn during the graduation ceremony are the gold National Honor Society cords. CHS strives to provide a ceremony that is both meaningful and memorable for students and families.

For more senior information and important dates, please refer to the Senior Bulletin below.

Honor’s Convocation Information Form

Senior Exit Feedback

Senior Bulletin

Senior Power Point Presentation

Graduation Regalia/Josten’s Information

National Career Readiness Certificate