Hello CHS Sophomores!

DID YOU KNOW!?!  We only have 7 weeks of school left this school year! 😲

This also includes Finals which will take up most of the last week of school. This time of year goes by quickly!  You have put in a lot of hard work this year and we encourage you to use your time wisely these last 7 weeks and finish your sophomore year strong!  Try to set goals for yourself each week to help stay focused on deadlines and tests coming up.

Remember – you need to earn 11.0 or more credits to be considered a true junior at the start of next fall.

  Missing work will not be accepted after May 15th since teachers still need time to grade it before finals the following week.

·         Friday, April 5 – Early Release

·         Saturday, April 13 – Junior/Senior Prom

·         Friday, April 26 – NO SCHOOL


Did you sign up for any CHS/WDT dual enrollment classes for fall semester?
If so, you will need to attend one of the WDT dual enrollment registration sessions.  You may have registered through Skyward, but you also need to complete the online WDT enrollment application as well.  If you do not complete this process through WDT, you are not registered, and the class will be dropped from your schedule.

Please bring your laptop and come to the CCC anytime during the following days:

·       Tuesday, April 9 – 7:30-11:30am

·       Tuesday, April 16 – 11:30-3:30pm


If you qualify for tuition assistance, this paperwork must be submitted no later than May 15.



If you failed a core class your freshman year (English, math, science, social studies, computer applications) or a core class first semester this year, please consider taking summer school so it won’t interfere with adding it back into your schedule junior or senior year!

Summer school information is typically released by the district at the end of April or early May. You will be notified of this through the school bulletin, announcements, and the May newsletter. If you failed a core class in 9th or 10th grade, plan to attend summer school to stay on track for graduation!

There are several great STEM summer camps still available for grades 9-12 through South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.  Camp dates and costs vary and you will need to check the website HERE for more information and details.  Several examples of camps offered this summer include:

·        The Science of Pottery and Glass

·        Green Chemistry

·        Science of Swords

·        Geo-Engineering the Planet

·        3D and Beyond

These camps listed are not full yet although will fill quickly.  Several camp options on the website already indicate that they are full.


Your monthly self-care reminder:

This April, we focus on how time management can help fight off stress.  Time management is a skill that takes lots of practice.  When our time management is out of whack, we usually feel more stressed out.


Have you ever forgotten about a big project, only to discover it is due the next day?!  How does that make you feel?  I bet you probably felt very overwhelmed and stressed out!

Now imagine, you are practicing time management and have planned ahead to complete this project slowly over the 1-2 weeks leading up to the due date… you probably feel much more relaxed about it, right?!

When we have healthy time management and selfcare we feel better all around.

 To read more about why time management is important and how it can help you in the future, click HERE.