NCRC, Sr Mtg, ASVAB and more
NCRC Last Call
Anyone who received a Bronze certificate and requested a retake of one area, please report to the CCC on Wednesday, February 28th at 820am.
Anyone who has not yet tested is scheduled for the afternoon session, beginning at 1205pm in the same location. Check the attached list for your name!
SENIOR MEETING with Mr. Lundeen
Report to GRAD TIME on 2/28 for attendance. Then navigate to the Theatre for an important meeting with your principal.
The ASVAB will be offered for a final time at CHS on Thursday, March 7th. If you are unsure of what life after high school looks like for you, taking the ASVAB may open up some options! Sign up in the CCC.
Senior Tee Shirts…
Have been ordered and will hopefully arrive in mid-March. There were a few extras ordered which will be available first come, first serve after anyone who pre-ordered has claimed theirs.
What’s happening on March 12th??
JOSTENS will be here to distribute graduation orders! Stop in the CCC between 10am-2pm to pick up your cap/gown/tassel; it’s getting closer!