If you are college or tech school bound next fall, now is the time to complete the FAFSA along with your parents! Start by going to this website: www.studentaid.gov
↪️Then click on Apply for Aid Using the FAFSA Form (on the right side)
Check your credits and graduation status! RCAS requires a minimum of 22 credits and many have to be in the correct areas (ELA, Science, Math, etc).
We still have many NCRC certificates in the CCC. Stop in and pick yours up if you haven’t already! Remember: if you did not receive a SILVER and want to retake part of the test on the makeup day in late February, contact your counselor.
Thanks to a very helpful senior 🙂 we have two options for senior tee shirts! Let us know which one you think best exemplifies the RCC Class of 2024 by submitting your vote by Friday, January 26th.
A Senior Meeting with Principal Lundeen is scheduled for February 28th during Grad TIME. Location: Theatre