Hello CHS Sophomores!
As we move into October, students tend to find themselves getting more comfortable in their classes and around school. The school day becomes more routine and predictable. Some students settle into the new challenges while others may take more time to get there. You have come a long way since middle school and are well on your way to earning that high school diploma!
- Friday, 10/6 – Early Release at 1:00
- Monday, 10/9 – Native American Day – NO SCHOOL
- Friday, 10/20 – 1st semester Midterm
- Tuesday, 10/24 – Fall Conference Night, 4:00-7:30 (only 1 this semester)
- Wednesday, 10/25 – GRADtime – Assembly Schedule
- Friday, 10/27 – Teacher PD Day – NO SCHOOL for students
As you can see, near the end of October we will be a quarter of the way through the school year already! Attending ALL your classes is very important to make sure you have a successful 10th grade year and are prepared to enter 11th grade with enough credits next year. Going to all your classes day-by-day may seem like a small step… but is a very important step that you need for GRADUTION in 2026!
All students are invited to our new after school tutoring program in the library!
It will be Monday-Thursday from 3:20–5pm in the library. South Dakota School of Mines students will be available to help students with FREE tutoring, in any subject. As this program develops, there will be prizes and snacks available for participating students.
Come to the library after school to get more information.
Are you a 10th grader in AP US History this year?!
It may seem early, but you need to register for the end of the year AP Exam by November 12th.
You will need to take this exam (and pass with a certain score) if you want to get 3 college credits for this class. This exam is not required for high school credit, which is still earned by your end of the year grade.
Registration and test payment are all done online. If you qualify for free/reduced lunch you may qualify for a fee waiver.
If you have further questions about the AP US History exam this spring, please talk to your AP US History Teacher, Mr. Powers. Or email RCAS AP Testing Coordinator, Jamie.Strasser@k12.sd.us
Are you a LEADER?
CHS is looking for our next 10th grade HOBY leader!
The Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Institute is looking for one 10th grade student from CHS to represent our school in the annual youth leadership conference this summer. At HOBY, they believe leadership is a skillset to be learned and not a position to be held.
CHS will pay the registration fee, although you will have to provide your own transportation to and from Dakota State University (Madison, SD) from June 6-9, 2024. Housing and food will be provided for students at DSU.
Interested in more information about this fun summer opportunity? Email or make an appointment with CHS HOBY contact, School Counselor – Katie Baskerville
We have received a few questions regarding when Pre-ACT 10 results will come back.
At this time, we do not have a specific date that we will receive the results. However, you will get your score reports returned to you during your English 10 class as soon as we get the results.
Here are a few more tips about how to have a successful 10th grade year:
If you are feeling overwhelmed or confused about schoolwork, teachers are eager to assist you! You can request to meet before school or email your teacher if you need additional help outside of class time. Remember – as mentioned above, additional after school tutoring is also available in the library, Monday-Thursday! 😊
Though the coursework may be hard at times, you can take control of your academics and succeed. You have the power! Dreams and goals won’t happen unless you put in the work required to make it happen.
It is not too late and there are many opportunities to raise your grades. Please reach out to your teachers, counselors, or other trusted adults in your life if you need more guidance. We believe in you! 🙂
Have a question? Email your 10th grade School Counselor.
We are here to help!
A-G: Rani Mitchell, Rani.Mitchell@k12.sd.us
H-Pa: Laura Lloyd-Smith, Laura.Lloyd-Smith@k12.sd.us
Pe-Z: Katie Baskerville, Katherine.Baskerville@k12.sd.us