Hello Sophomores!

Midterm is officially behind us and there are only SEVEN weeks of instruction left before semester finals!  With the holidays quickly approaching, the next few weeks will go by fast.  Make sure to use this time wisely and stay caught up in your classes or turn in any missing assignments or make up any missing quizzes, tests, or projects.  If you have any questions or concerns about your class, grades, or assignments, talk to or email your teacher.  Don’t procrastinate until January and finals week (Jan. 9-11)… there is no time like the present!

Tutoring is available in the library after school Monday-Thursday, from 3:20-5:00pm.

Morning help is also available if you arrange with your teacher to come in before school from 7:30-8:20am.

Here are some important dates coming up this month:

·         Friday, 11/3 – Early Release @1:00

·         Sunday, 11/5 – Daylight Savings (clocks back 1 hour)

·         Thursday, 11/9 – Military Fair during both lunches

·         Friday, 11/10 – HOBY application deadline

·         Saturday, 11/11 – Veteran’s Day

·         Wednesday, 11/15 – GRADtime (Assembly Schedule)

·         Nov. 20-24 (all week) NO SCHOOL for Fall break (Thanksgiving 11/23)


Feeling stressed?!?

At times, our feelings may be overwhelming.  Sitting with those strong feelings while in school can be challenging.  It’s hard for adults too!  Here are some tips and for self-regulation when stress and anxiety come up.  Remember – stress and anxiety are NORMAL feelings that we all have and can be expected at times.  However, if they are consuming you, here are tips and tricks to learn how to manage these feelings better.

Using this grounding technique helps us stay present in the moment.  It does NOT take away our stress completely, but these techniques train our brain to focus on the things within our control at that moment in time.

Are you thinking about taking dual enrollment classes next year as a junior? What you are doing in 10th grade matters! 

As juniors and seniors, you will have the chance to take college level classes that can count towards the credits you need to graduate from high school and get college credit.  You want to make sure you are doing the best you can in your classes so that you meet eligibility requirements when it is time to apply.  If you are considering college/university classes, you can find eligibility requirements and costs at this website – Dual Credit SD My Life

Dual enrollment registration opens April 1st for next fall.  We recommend you meet with your counselor in March/April to explore your options.  This might seem like a long time away, but we hope you start thinking about this option now and continue to work hard in 10th grade to have this great opportunity next fall.




CHS is looking for our next 10th grade HOBY leader!

The Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Institute is looking for one 10th grade student from CHS to represent our school in the annual youth leadership conference this summer.  At HOBY, we believe leadership is a skillset to be learned and not a position to be held.

CHS will pay the registration fee, although you will have to provide your own transportation to Dakota State University (Madison, SD) from June 6-9, 2024.  Housing and food will be provided for students at DSU.

Interested in more information or getting the application?  Email or make an appointment with CHS HOBY contact, School Counselor – Katie Baskerville.

Application Deadline – Nov. 10

 Have a question? Email your School Counselor.  

We are here to help!

A-G: Rani MitchellRani.Mitchell@k12.sd.us

H-O: Laura Lloyd-SmithLaura.Lloyd-Smith@k12.sd.us

P-Z: Katie BaskervilleKatherine.Baskerville@k12.sd.us